5 Easy Exercises You Can Do Inside A Pool

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

Water Jogging

This is an easy exercise for all beginners. Begin by walking forward as you are immersed in waist-high water. You can take about 10-20 steps forward, then the same distance backwards. Increase the speed to make it more tough.


Begin by standing near the pool wall to get support, then take a large lunge forward. Make sure not to let the knee in front of you go past your toes. Return to the starting position, then repeat with the opposite leg.

One Leg Balance

Stand on one leg, and raise the other knee to hip level. Hold for up to 30 seconds, then swap legs. If you have difficulties with balance, attempt this exercise while holding onto the pool’s side or without a noodle.

Arm Raises

Immerse deep enough in the pool to cover your shoulders. Hold your arms at your sides and bend your elbows 90 degrees. Raise your arms outward towards the water surface while keeping your elbows bent and your shoulders down. Then, bring them back to your sides.

Knee Lift

Stand with your back to the pool wall with both feet on the floor. Lift one knee in a marching position. Straighten your knee until your leg is parallel to the pool floor. Continue this several times and then switch to the opposite leg.