Yellow Star

How To Motivate Yourself To Workout? Check 5 Ways

Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Aparna Singh

Have you lost the zeal to hit the gym or go for a jog? Here are a few ways to motivate yourself to work.

Do a mindset shift

Working out regularly adds value to your life, and you should always hold on to the value that working out has for you.

Don’t forget your personal goals

When you start working out, you all have some goals to achieve in terms of your body. Remind yourself of the reasons that are of personal relevance to you.

Always start small to keep yourself motivated for a workout

Always set smaller, achievable targets and then progress to the bigger ones.

Celebrate your wins

Appreciating and celebrating yourself for doing your workout the way you had planned gives you the reinforcement to do better next time.

Try buddy workout

Going to the gym alone might make you feel monotonous. You can ask one of your friends to join and you can use the support to motivate you.