10 Common Skincare Mistakes to Avoid


Daily exfoliation can lead to irritation and breakouts.

Not Using Gentle Cleansers

Harsh cleansers can take away the natural oils.

Hydration is Must

Skipping moisturizer can cause dry and flaky skin.

Skipping Sunscreen

One of the most common skincare mistakes is not applying sunscreen when stepping out.

Sleeping with Makeup On

Leaving makeup on overnight damages your skin by settling into fine lines.

Not Cleaning Your Makeup Brushes

Using dirty makeup brushes can cause acne breakouts and rashes.

Applying Serum on Dry Skin

Apply hyaluronic acid to damp skin instead of dry skin.

Lack Of Sleep

Not getting enough sleep can cause wrinkles, puffiness and dull skin.

Ignoring Neck And Chest

Your skincare routine shouldn't stop at your chin!

Touching Pimples

Squeezing pimples can increase the risk of scarring and inflammation.