Top 10 Famous UFO Sightings Till Now

By Khushi thakur june 18, 2024

1 )  Roswell Incident (1947)

Source: Canva

The Rosewell incident gained huge attention due to the speculations made about recovered alien spacecraft and extraterrestrial bodies. The crash site was in New Mexico. The US Air Force initially claimed it was a weather balloon, but the ongoing secrecy and shifting explanations continue to fuel conspiracy theories.

2)  Belgian UFO Wave

Source: Canva

The Belgian UFO wave began in November 1989. Reports were filed, regarding the sighting of the triangular UFOs in the sky. At low altitudes, many unusual, unknown objects flying in silence were reported.  Many of the reports related a large object flying at low altitude. Some reports also stated that the craft was of a flat, triangular shape, with lights underneath.  

Numerous strange, unidentified objects flying silently at low altitudes have been observed. According to other reports, the craft had lights underneath and had a flat, triangular appearance.

3) The Phoenix Lights (1997)

Source: Canva

Thousands of residents in Arizona and Nevada noticed a strange, unidentified flying object doing movements in the formation of a V. These observer happened to witness this incident on March 13, 1997.

Numerous strange, unidentified objects flying silently at low altitudes have been observed. According to other reports, the craft had lights underneath and had a flat, triangular appearance.

4) Westall UFO (1966)

Source: Canva

 The Westall UFO siting was reported on  6 April 1966, in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. This incident included several witnesses, and some of them were students at Westall High School. These students reported that they saw a disc-shaped object hovering near their schoolyard, and the teacher took photo revealed a UFO in it. 

Numerous strange, unidentified objects flying silently at low altitudes have been observed. According to other reports, the craft had lights underneath and had a flat, triangular appearance.

5) The Gulf Breeze Incident  (1987–1988)

Source: Canva

Multiple residents of claimed UFO sightings in Gulf Breeze, Florida, United States, reported close encounters with triangular UFOs. Extensive photographs and videos were taken, but their authenticity remains debated some even claimed to have physical evidence of the siting.

Numerous strange, unidentified objects flying silently at low altitudes have been observed. According to other reports, the craft had lights underneath and had a flat, triangular appearance.

6) Rendlesham Forest UFO  (1980)

Source: Canva

In the UK, just outside the RAF Woodbridge, there were reports of a metallic object hovering and landing at Rendlesham Forest in Suffolk, England. Radar also tracked the object, lending credibility to the sighting. No explanation has been found. This incident took place in December 1980, that got linked with UFO landings.

Numerous strange, unidentified objects flying silently at low altitudes have been observed. According to other reports, the craft had lights underneath and had a flat, triangular appearance.

7) The Tehran UFO (1976)

Source: Canva

This UFO siting was over Tehran, the capital of Iran, during the early morning hours of 19 September 1976.  It was an unidentified flying object (UFO) seen both visually and by radar. As they neared the item, two of the air force jets named F-4 Phantom II jet interceptors of the Imperial Iranian Air Force reported losing instrumentation and communications.

Numerous strange, unidentified objects flying silently at low altitudes have been observed. According to other reports, the craft had lights underneath and had a flat, triangular appearance.

8) The Maury Island Incident  (1947)

Source: Canva

In the Maury Island incident, witnesses Fred Crisman and Harold Dahl reported seeing unexplained flying objects in the sky over Maury Island, Washington, in addition to falling debris. The date of this incident was June 21, 1947. Although debris was found, its source was never determined.

Numerous strange, unidentified objects flying silently at low altitudes have been observed. According to other reports, the craft had lights underneath and had a flat, triangular appearance.

In the Maury Island incident, witnesses Fred Crisman and Harold Dahl reported seeing unexplained flying objects in the sky over Maury Island, Washington, in addition to falling debris. The date of this incident was June 21, 1947. Although debris was found, its source was never determined.

9) The Kecksburg UFO (1965)

Source: Canva

On December 9, 1965, in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, in the United States, there was a UFO incident. The government insists it was a meteor, however witnesses claimed to have seen military soldiers gathering debris and cordoning off the area after hearing about a fireball. According to astronomers, the object was probably a meteor bolide that burned up in the atmosphere before dropping sharply.

Numerous strange, unidentified objects flying silently at low altitudes have been observed. According to other reports, the craft had lights underneath and had a flat, triangular appearance.

10) The Betty and  Barney Hill Abduction (1961)

Source: Canva

This couple reported experiencing a period of missing time while driving and later recalled memories of being abducted by a UFO, where they underwent medical examinations by unusual beings. Their case is considered a landmark in UFO abduction history.

Numerous strange, unidentified objects flying silently at low altitudes have been observed. According to other reports, the craft had lights underneath and had a flat, triangular appearance.