10 Scientific Reasons Why Ganga Jal is Considered Pure

By Rajni Pandey | June 19, 2024

Bacteriophages Presence

As per a study conducted by NEERI, unique bacteriophages in Ganga Jal help reduce bacterial contamination.

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Higher Dissolved Oxygen

According to the Central Pollution Control Board Report, the Ganga river's water has higher levels of dissolved oxygen, which aids in maintaining water quality.

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Mineral Content

Research by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee indicates that Ganga Jal contains beneficial minerals like calcium and magnesium, known for their health benefits.

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Self-Purifying Properties

Studies by National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) suggest that Ganga water can naturally purify itself faster than other rivers.

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Antimicrobial Action

The Journal of Environmental Biology has found that the water in Ganga river has natural antimicrobial properties, reducing harmful microorganisms.

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Medicinal Properties

The Journal of Environmental Biology also reports that the mineral-rich composition of Ganga Jal contributes to its medicinal properties.

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Low Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)

According to the Central Pollution Control Board Report, the Ganga has a relatively low BOD, indicating less organic pollution.

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Microbial Diversity

Research by the Indian Institute of Microbial Technology (IMTECH) highlights that unique microbial life forms in the Ganga help in biodegradation and maintaining water purity.

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Natural Filtration

As per the National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), sediments and aquatic plants in the river act as natural filters, enhancing Ganga river water quality.

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Scientific Validation

Various scientific research projects have confirmed the unique purifying properties of Ganga Jal, validating its reputation for purity.

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