5 Essential Yoga Asanas For Every Woman

This is an all-in-one yoga pose that benefits your entire body.

Surya Namaskar

It is known to boost immunity and help relieve anxiety.

Popularly known as the butterfly pose, this helps strengthen your pelvic region.

Baddha Konasana

Practicing this easy asana can also help reduce pain during your menstrual cycle.

Also known as the child pose, this is an easy way to relieve daily stress.


This asana helps in correcting posture and strengthening  back muscles

This is an ideal yoga pose that targets toning your thigh muscles.


It is a good asana to relieve tension in your neck region.

Commonly referred to as the boat pose, this is a quick asana for women who have less time to workout.


It targets your thigh and ab muscles to achieve the well toned body you desire.

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