Water Wonder: 10 beautiful fishes which make perfect tank mates for your goldfish

Betta Betta Fish also known as Siamese Fighting Fish are known for their vibrant colours and flowing fins. These come in various colours like blues, reds, and purples.

Guppy Guppies are small, colourful fish and they are known for their vibrant colours and distinctive patterns. These are easy to care for.

Pearl Gourami Pearl Gouramis are elegant peaceful fishes known for their shimmering scales. These can coexist peacefully with other fishes.

Neon Tetra Neon Tetras are small fishes known for their iridescent blue and red colours. They have a peaceful temperament and thrive in community aquariums. Keep these in a group of six or more.

Platy These are colourful, peaceful fishes known for their lively personalities and easy-going nature. They come in a wide range of colours and patterns. 

Zebra Danio This is another schooling fish. Zebra Danios are small and active. They can be distinguished by their black-and-white stripes. These can thrive in a variety of waters.

Mountain White Cloud Minnow This fish is very compact and will fit perfectly in a small beginner’s aquarium. It is also extremely low-maintenance. The Mountain Minnow is submissive and does not assault the tank’s young.

Catfish Cory The Cory lives in harmony with all other species of fish. They are voracious feeders and help keep the aquarium tidy. These come in nearly 150 species.

Rosemary Barb This small, placid fish will feel at home in your beginner’s aquarium as soon as it adjusts to its new environment. You may acquire several because they swim in a school.

Black Molly The Black Molly is the most attractive tank-dwelling fish.  Its inky darkness has an alluring quality. However, exercise caution when they reproduce, as mollies tend to consume their young.