Producer: Mehak Pal  Editor: Aparna Singh

7 Abdominal Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat

Are you aiming to reduce your belly fat fast? Here are seven abdominal exercises you can try to reduce your belly fat.

Bicycle crunches

These crunches focus on muscles like the obliques. This helps tone and slim your waist.


They are an excellent exercise for the entire core, including the transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis, and obliques.

Russian twits

They target the obliques and help improve your body strength.

Flutter kicks

They are an effective exercise targeting the lower abdominal muscles and hip flexors, ideal for building core strength and endurance.

Jumping lunges

They are a dynamic exercise that targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves while providing a cardiovascular workout.

Mountain climbers

They target the core while also providing a cardiovascular workout. They can help increase your strength in your core muscles and your heart rate, leading to belly fat reduction.

Leg raise

Leg raises target the lower abs. This exercise is one of the perfect ways to reduce belly fat.