10 Ways To Use Papaya Seeds In Your Diet

Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Aparna Singh

Papaya seeds are one of the most healthy and nutritious seeds. Here are the 10 best ways to include papaya seeds in your diet.

Consume directly


Simply scoop out the seeds from a ripe papaya and eat them directly.

Add to smoothies


Just blend papaya seeds with other smoothie ingredients.

Salad topping


Sprinkle crushed papaya seeds over your salads for added crunch and a slightly spicy kick.

For dressing


Grind papaya seeds and mix them with olive oil, lemon juice, and a pinch of salt to create a flavorful and healthy salad dressing.

Prepare infused water


Crush papaya seeds and infuse them in water for a refreshing drink.

Make papaya seed paste


Grind papaya seeds and mix them with honey to make a paste.

Snack mix


Make a snack mix by combining papaya seeds with nuts and dried fruits.

Mix it with yoghurt


Stir ground papaya seeds into yoghurt for a protein-rich and nutritious snack.

Cereal or oatmeal


You can mix papaya seed powder with your regular cereal or oatmeal.

Incorporate into sauces


Add ground papaya seeds to pasta sauces or as a topping for grilled fish or chicken.