Health benefits of anjeer, a diet hero for fibre, flavour, fitness

Moneycontrol News | June 24, 2024

Fresh figs are a low-calorie, nutrient-rich sweet treat. On average, a single fresh  fig contains approximately 30 to 40  calories. They are notably abundant in  copper and vitamin B6

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Fresh figs offer a nutritional powerhouse compared to their dried counterparts. Packed with hydration, fibre, and essential vitamins, they support digestive health and provide sustained energy

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Consumption of 2 to 3 dried figs or two fresh figs is a great nibble alternative to junk treats

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Relish fresh figs as a morning snack on an empty stomach. The natural sugars provide a quick energy boost, aiding metabolism

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You can enjoy them pre-workout  for sustained fuel. Incorporating figs strategically enhances nutrient absorption and supports overall well-being, aligning  with your daily health goals

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Anjeer is a rich source of dietary fibre.  It helps prevent constipation and promote healthy digestion. Its natural laxative effect makes it an excellent choice for maintaining regular bowel movements

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The high fibre content in anjeer aids digestion and also contributes to a feeling of fullness, thus supporting in weight management

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Anjeer is known to improve heart health by helping to reduce cholesterol levels. The potassium content in anjeer assists in  regulation of blood pressure, further enhancing cardiovascular well-being

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Anjeer possesses natural compounds that help control blood sugar levels. This makes anjeer a diabetic-friendly addition to meals that offer a sweet taste without causing rapid spikes in blood glucose

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Regular consumption of anjeer can be beneficial in maintaining strong and healthy bones. The rich mineral content in figs, including calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, contributes to bone health

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You can store figs in the refrigerator, ideally in a perforated bag to maintain airflow. Quick consumption or drying is advisable to prevent spoilage. This ensures that the nutritional potency of figs remains intact

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