Top 10 Latest Mind-blowing Scientific Facts

By Khushi thakur june  24, 2024

1 )  Warp Drive

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Wrap drive (travelling faster than light) may not be science fiction anymore in the near future. Scientists might be inching closer to warp-speed travel! A recent study provides some theoretical underpinning to warp drives, as the progress in this is gaining pace.

2) New Genetic Cause Of Obesity

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Scientists have identified a new reason why individuals lacking a specific blood group, which is SMIM1, are genetically prone to being overweight or obese. Testing is done to determine whether a widely available drug for thyroid dysfunction may be effective in treating obesity.

3)  Discovery Of  The World's Oldest Wine

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The current record holder of the oldest actual liquid wine is a 2,000-year-old white wine discovered in a Roman tomb in southern Spain. This discovery was made in 2019

4)  Gene Editing for Heart Disease

Image Source: Canva

Scientists utilized CRISPR gene editing to correct a genetic mutation responsible for a life-threatening heart condition in human embryos. This research holds potential for preventing genetic diseases, though ethical concerns persist.

5)  Microscopic Robot Swarms

Image Source: Canva

Researchers have developed tiny robots capable of collaborating and assembling into various shapes based on given instructions. These "micro-machines" hold potential for applications such as targeted drug delivery and environmental cleanup.

6)  Potentially Habitable Exoplanet

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The James Webb Space Telescope discovered a new exoplanet according to the reports there are   life signs detected in the atmosphere of the potential ocean world K2-18 b may have been premature. This adds the planet in the list of potential candidates for extraterrestrial life.

7)  Quantum Teleportation

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Chinese scientists successfully teleported a quantum state of photons, the fundamental unit of information in quantum mechanics, between a ground station and a satellite in space. This advancement could pave the way for ultra-secure communication networks.

8)  Ancient Virus Trapped  in Ice

Image Source: Canva

Researchers have discovered a giant Arctic zombie virus frozen in Siberia over 30,000 years old. Scientists warn that could spark terrifying new pandemic; as it raises concern about potentially releasing dormant pathogens.

9)  Fungal "Talking" with Electricity

Image Source: Canva

A study revealed that fungi communicate with each other through electrical impulses called hyphae even though they lack nervous system, suggesting a complex underground communication network.

10)  AI Predicts Protein Structures

Image Source: Canva

Researchers have developed an AI program capable of accurately predicting the 3D structure of proteins. This significant advancement holds the potential to accelerate the development of new drugs and enhance our understanding of protein functions.