10 Kaal Sarp Dosh Warning Signs You Shouldn't Ignore

By Rajni Pandey | June 24, 2024

Recurring Nightmares

Frequent and disturbing dreams involving snakes, death, or water bodies may indicate the presence of Kaal Sarp Dosh.

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Health Issues

Persistent health problems, such as chronic diseases, unexplained illnesses, and frequent accidents, can be a sign.

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Financial Instability

Facing continuous financial losses, debts, and struggles in accumulating wealth may point towards this dosh.

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Mental Disturbances

Experiencing anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues without a clear cause can be indicative.

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Obstacles in Career

Facing constant hurdles in professional growth, frequent job changes, or failures in business ventures are common signs.

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Relationship Problems

Persistent conflicts, misunderstandings, and lack of harmony in family and personal relationships might be due to Kaal Sarp Dosh.

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Lack of Stability

Frequent changes in residence or the inability to settle in one place can be a symptom.

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Childbirth Issues

Facing difficulties in conceiving, recurrent miscarriages, or health problems in children may be related to this astrological condition.

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Social Isolation

Feeling isolated, misunderstood, or facing difficulties in forming and maintaining social connections can be an indicator.

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Frequent Bad Luck

Experiencing an unusual amount of bad luck, unexpected losses, and missed opportunities may suggest the presence of Kaal Sarp Dosh.

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