12 health benefits of soaking almonds for  8-12 hours before eating

Moneycontrol News | June 25, 2024

Soaking almonds breaks down their phytic acid content, a natural substance that binds minerals and inhibit their absorption. By reducing phytic acid, it makes the nutrients accessible and easier for the body to digest

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Soaking almonds releases enzyme inhibitors and increases the bioavailability of vital vitamins and minerals. This includes vitamin E, magnesium, and calcium

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When the enzyme inhibitors are neutralized, your body can absorb and utilize these nutrients more efficiently, contributing to overall better health and well-being

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Soaking almonds activates  beneficial enzymes that play a crucial  role in breaking down proteins into their constituent amino acids

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It enhances protein digestion and utilisation, making the protein content in almonds more bioavailable. As a result, your body can effectively use these amino acids for muscle repair, growth, and other vital functions

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Soaked almonds have higher  levels of antioxidants, particularly  vitamin E, which are essential for protecting cells from oxidative damage

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These antioxidants neutralise free radicals, reducing the risk of chronic diseases and boost health. Regular consumption of soaked almonds can contribute to a stronger immune system and healthier skin

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Soaking almonds can help reduce  the levels of tannins and other compounds that may cause allergies or sensitivities  in some people

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This process makes soaked almonds a safer option for individuals who may experience mild allergic reactions or digestive issues when consuming raw almonds

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Soaking almonds hydrates them, which can be particularly beneficial in hot weather or for those looking to increase their water intake subtly through their diet. The water absorbed by the almonds helps keep you hydrated

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The increased availability of vitamin E and antioxidants can contribute to healthier skin. These nutrients help protect the skin from UV damage, reduce inflammation, and promote skin repair and rejuvenation

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To soak almonds, place them in a bowl, cover with water, and leave it overnight or for at least 8-12 hours. Drain and rinse the almonds before consuming

Image: Canva