Sitting For Long Hours At Work? Easy Tips To Remain Physically Active

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

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If you have a sedentary desk job, here are some tips to help you integrate more movement into your lifestyle.

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Take brisk walks during breaks, like at lunchtime or after dinner.

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Stand up when you receive phone calls.

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Opt for the stairs instead of the elevator.

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Perform stretching exercises at your desk.

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Walk over to your colleague’s desk rather than sending an email or text message.

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Make it a habit to walk to the restroom or break room every 30 minutes.

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Consider investing in office-friendly fitness equipment.

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Park your car a short distance away from your office or apartment.

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Spend quality time playing with your kids or pets when you’re at home.

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Dedicate a few minutes (5-10 minutes) to meditation, yoga, or breathing exercises to relax and stay active.