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7 Tips To Monsoon-Proof Your Home

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Mohit Bisht

The monsoon season brings much-needed respite from the scorching heat, but it can also wreak havoc on our homes.

Rainwater may seep in from unexpected entry points such as unsealed windows, unmaintained roofs, or compromised foundations.

Taking proactive steps now can safeguard your home from water damage and provide peace of mind throughout the rainy season.

Effective Waterproofing: Whether it’s your porch or the roof, applying a quality waterproof coating will protect your home from dampness, mold, and unpleasant smells. This coating also adds a new shine to the surface and extends its life.

Protective Varnishing: Wooden doors and windows often swell during the rainy season due to their tendency to absorb moisture, making them difficult to close properly and shortening their lifespan. To prevent this, apply a layer of varnish or a high-grade protective finish.

Enhance Durability with Exterior Sealers: To enhance the durability of exterior surfaces like walls, decks, and fences, add an extra layer of protection against moisture penetration with exterior sealers.

Unclog the Drainage: One of the most crucial things to prioritize before the rains intensify is unclogging your drainage systems. Clearing debris from pipes and roofs allows rainwater to flow freely, preventing potential flooding and water damage.

Embrace Anti-Fungal Paints or Coatings: The monsoon’s humid conditions are ideal for mold and mildew growth. Combat their growth by using anti-fungal paints and coatings. These paints or coatings contain fungicides that prevent spores from taking root and spreading.

Let There Be Light and Ventilation: Good ventilation is key to keeping dampness at bay during the monsoons. Open up your windows and doors to let fresh air circulate and reduce humidity. Use exhaust fans in kitchens and bathrooms to remove excess moisture.

Declutter for Airflow: Avoid storing furniture or belongings close to walls, as this can trap moisture and create the perfect environment for mold growth. Maintain good air circulation within your home by decluttering and allowing space for air to flow freely.