10 best teas for period cramps

Although cramping is a frequent occurrence throughout the menstrual cycle, it need not cause you to suffer. There are several ways to relieve excruciating cramps including consuming tea.

Ginger tea: Ginger tea's anti-inflammatory and analgesic qualities may be useful in the treatment of pain and bloating.

Chamomile tea: Chamomile tea may assist in encouraging deeper sleep and lessen tiredness.

Peppermint leaves tea: The menthol in peppermint leaves has the potential to lessen cramps by lowering uterine contractions.

Cinnamon tea: Cinnamon tea has the potential to lessen bloating and discomforting inflammation.

Green tea: Due to its anti-inflammatory qualities, green tea may lessen bloating.

Thyme tea: In research involving teens from Ethiopia, thyme tea was linked to a 63.2% reduction in menstruation discomfort.

Oolong tea: There may be a connection between oolong tea and less menstruation discomfort.

Red raspberry leaf tea: This tea has the potential to strengthen and tone the uterus.

Butterfly Blue Pea Flower Tea: Clitoria ternatea flowers, which are high in flavonoids and have been demonstrated to have anti-inflammatory qualities, are used to make this tea.

Kashmiri Kahwa Green Tea: This is kind of green tea which is popular in India and has been proved to be anti-inflammatory.

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