A handy guide to shielding yourself from the rain

Keep up with the latest weather forecasts and warnings issued by local authorities.

Carry a raincoat or umbrella to stay dry in the rain.

If you find yourself in the middle of a storm, avoid large water bodies and keep away from towering objects.

Don’t forget to check your fuel, brakes, tyres and vipers before driving in such weather. Avoid speeding and keep a safe gap between you and the vehicle in front of you.

Never walk or drive across floodwaters since they can be deceiving and include substantial hazards such as strong currents, buried debris, or open manholes.

Keep a safe distance from downed power lines. They may fall as a result of heavy rain and high winds.

Be prepared for a power outage. Make sure you have sufficient flashlights and fresh batteries .

Keep your phone charged, in case of emergency.

When it's raining heavily, unplug electronic devices as voltage fluctuation and load shedding might damage them.

Take precautions against mosquitoes and other bugs.

Check for any clogs or obstacles in your home's drainage system.

Stay safe in the rain by eating well and staying hydrated to protect yourself from illnesses.

Maintain a stockpile of extra food, medicines, and emergency and first-aid supplies.