Rakesh Jhunjhunwala Birth Anniversary: Top 6 quotes by India’s Big Bull

By Nandini Das


Published July 5, 2024

Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, born on July 5, 1960, was an ace investor celebrated for his astute market insights. Take a look some of the most impactful quotes by the Big Bull of India on his 64th birth anniversary.

1.  "Hastily taken decisions always result in heavy losses. Take your time before putting money in any stock."

2.  "Stock markets are always right. Never time the market"

3.  "Build a fighting spirit-- take the bad with the good"

4.  "Prepare for losses.  Losses are part and parcel of stock market investor life"

5. "You do not succeed without obsession"

6. "See the world as it is, rather than you would like it to be"