Top 10 Images Of The Day By NASA

By Khushi thakur jULY 07, 2024

A Foggy Himalayan Morning

Image Source: NASA

Image of the Day for May 28, 2023, this image was taken on February 10, 2023, with a Nikon D4 digital camera, showing foggy mountains. 

Image credit: NASA 

Breakup at Brunt

Image Source: NASA

Image of the Day for March 3, 2021, this image is of a large iceberg split up from the Antarctic ice shelf.

Image credit: NASA 

Giant Jets over Himalayan Mountains

Image Source: NASA

This is the Image of the Day, taken on 2024 June 18. The jet is flying above the Himalayan mountain range in China and Bhutan in between thunderstorm. 

Image credit: NASA 

Dawn of a Sun-like Star

Image Source: NASA

"Dawn of a Sun-like Star" was featured as the image of the day, which displays a trio of dazzling stars in their early stages named HP Tau, HP Tau G2, and HP Tau G3.

Hurricane Beryl  

Image Source: NASA

"Dawn of a Sun-like Star" was featured as the image of the day, which displays a trio of dazzling stars in their early stages named HP Tau, HP Tau G2, and HP Tau G3.

The Maze is Afoot

Image Source: NASA

The Autofocus and Context captured the image Imager on May 11, 2024. This image shows a maze or labyrinth design used as a calibration target for the SHERLOC instrument aboard NASA's Perseverance Mars rover.

Stars in Motion

Image Source: NASA

This was NASA's Image of the Day for March 6, 2021, captured on May 17, 2012. The photograph, taken from space, transforms stars into mesmerizing rings and turns city lights and fires into vibrant streaks, showcasing the beauty of our planet from orbit.

“Rose”of Galaxies

Image Source: NASA

This image was taken by Hubble Space Telescope’s deployment to celebrate its 21st anniversary, it was the image of the day taken on December 17, 2010. the galaxy's names are  UGC 1810 the big galaxy and the other small stretched out name is UGC 1813.

Cosmic Fossil

Image Source: NASA

This is an image of the globular cluster NGC 2005. This image is taken by Hubble Space Telescope on May 17, 2024. NGC 2005 is located some 162,000 light-years from Earth.

Ice Swirls

Image Source: NASA

This image of floating ice was taken on June 4, 2024, where the ice is floating in intricate patterns.  The MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) on NASA’s Terra satellite captured this.