8 natural mosquito repellents you can make at home

Moneycontrol News | July 06, 2024

Eucalyptus oil spray: Mix 10 drops of  lemon eucalyptus oil with 2 tablespoons  of witch hazel and 2 tablespoons of water  in a spray bottle. Shake well and spray  on exposed skin and clothing

Image: Canva

Lavender oil spray: Combine 10-15 drops of lavender essential oil with 2 tablespoons of carrier oil (such as coconut or olive oil) then apply the mixture to your skin to keep mosquitoes away

Image: Canva

Cinnamon oil spray: Mix 10 drops of  cinnamon oil with 1/4 cup of water in a  spray bottle. Shake well and spray around your home or on your skin

Image: Canva

Neem oil and coconut oil mix: Mix equal parts neem oil and coconut oil. Apply the mixture to exposed skin to repel mosquitoes

Image: Canva

Tea tree oil spray: Combine 10 drops of tea tree oil with 2 tablespoons of water in a spray bottle. Shake well and spray on skin or around your home

Image: Canva

Citronella candle: Melt some beeswax or soy wax in a double boiler then add 10-15 drops of citronella essential oil. Pour the mixture into a candle mold with a wick and let it solidify. Light the candle to keep mosquitoes at bay

Image: Canva

Basil leaves solution: Boil a handful of  basil leaves in water. Let the solution  cool, strain it, and pour it into a spray bottle. Spray around your home or on your skin  to repel mosquitoes

Image: Canva

Garlic spray: Blend several cloves of garlic with water then strain the mixture and pour the liquid into a spray bottle. Spray around your home or garden to deter mosquitoes

Image: Canva