Prevent hearing loss with these 8 tips

Avoid loud noises  It is best to avoid loud noises as it can lead to permanently damage your ears. Avoid concerts, loud music in earphones, electric saws and drills among other loud noises.

Wear hearing protection It is best to wear ear protection during loud noise activities. Using earplugs and earmuffs can reduce noise by 15 to 30 decibels. 

Avoid smoking Studies have shown tobacco to have a direct impact on your hearing. So be careful when you light up that smoke.

Remove earwax Earwax is the body's way of preventing dirt from entering the body. Wax can muffle sound so it is better to clean it but avoid using a cotton swab as it will only push the wax further in the ear.

Check medications for hearing risks There are several medications available in the market that can damage hearing. It is best to read the side effects of the medicine to check for the same.

Have hearing tested  It is best to have your hearing tested every once in a while. Be mindful if you have close relatives who have a hearing condition or hear a ringing in your ears. 

Get noise cancelling headphones Noise cancelling headphones can block out the background  noise allowing you to hear music, movies and phone conversations better. This can give your ears a rest. 

Don’t put anything in your ear Do not put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear. This includes cotton swabs, paperclips, bobby pins, keys, or anything else you may use to scratch or clean your ears.

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