Top 9 Inspiring Sadhguru Quotes on Work-Life Balance

By Priyanka Roshan | July 9, 2024

Achieving work-life balance is essential for a fulfilling life. Here are nine inspiring quotes by Sadhguru, a renowned spiritual leader, to help you navigate your personal and professional life more harmoniously.

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There is no such thing as work-life balance – it is all life. The balance has to be within you.

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Every thought that you generate creates an electric impulse in the system. When is excess, it throws the body off balance.

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At the spring equinox, the masculine and feminine within us are at equilibrium – a good day to transcend the identification with the body.

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Having the inner strength, balance, and capability to live well irrespective of outside situations and conditions – that is freedom.

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The simplest way to bring balance to your thoughts and emotions is unwavering commitment towards something.

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When you know the possibilities and the limitations of every aspect of life, wisdom and balance arises.

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Your work has to be lived, and your life has to be worked at. And there is no such thing as work and life, it is life and life.

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If you constantly strive to create whatever you care for, whether you are in a workspace or on the street, you will always feel like you are on a holiday.

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The quality of your life does not depend on your clothes, car, or home, but on how peaceful and joyful you are.

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