Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Mohit Bisht

10 Motivational Quotes By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar For The Youth



A youth is one who is always ready to take on challenges as they come.



Enthusiasm, fun, ready to do anything, to create something new - these are qualities that define a youthful person. It is important for our society that this youthfulness finds place in millions of hearts.



Youth have the power to bring transformation. Even if 10 enthusiastic youth come together in a town, they can bring a lot of change. They can remove any corruption or crime from that area.



Be movers and shakers in the world. Learn lots of skills, not just education; develop your personality.



You don't have to copy anybody or emulate anyone. Just be yourself and enjoy your whole life as a game. Don't be too serious.



At any cost keep your smile. Not everything happens according to your wish. And your wishes keep changing. Nature knows what to grant us and when. Just know that the best is going to come your way and relax!



When things are not going in your favour, it brings up lots of talents from within you. Have patience and the confidence that things will work out for you.



Neither at home, nor at school are we taught how to handle our emotions and mind. The youth today is swinging between aggression and violence at one end and depression at the end. Mental health is a significant issue in today’s world. Unless we take care of this, we can’t have a better society. That's where meditation and spiritual practices can help.



It is good to have ambition but if your ambition eats away at your life force then it can lead to depression. However, nothing gets done without drive and passion. Too much of it creates feverishness and spoils the work. So you need measured passion and dispassion.



Don't compete with others. Compete with yourself. That is healthy competition.