Don't Worry, be Happy: Activities that will make you joyful

Have a 'do-nothing' day in which you do nothing. Allow your body to relax and express itself as it sees fit.

Organising your desk can also be rewarding.

If you're feeling stressed by music or background noise, going for a run to clear your thoughts without your phone will make both your body and mind feel better.

Set aside some time every day to find something funny and laugh until your sides hurt.

You can also take a good book and just read until you fall asleep.

The next time you feel gloomy, just dance. Several studies around the world have linked dancing to happiness.

Gardening is an excellent grounding activity. It boosts happy moods by clearing up bad energy channels in the body.

Spending quality time with loved ones brings enormous joy. Engage in heartfelt conversations, share laughs, and making memories with family and friends.

Make time to pursue your interests and hobbies. You can paint, play an instrument, or participate in sports; all of these activities build a sense of purpose.

Spending time in nature can rejuvenates our senses, reduce stress, and increase our overall well-being.

Acts of kindness, no matter how small or large, have an enormous impact on our happiness.