11 things you must know about asthma: types, triggers, more

Moneycontrol News | July 12, 2024

Asthma, a chronic respiratory condition,  is marked by inflammation and narrowing  of the airways, which makes breathing difficult. It can affect people of  any age, irrespective of the gender

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Genetic predisposition plays a significant role; children with asthmatic parents are more likely to develop the condition

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Environmental factors, such as exposure  to allergens (like pollen, dust mites, and  pet dander), air pollution, and respiratory infections during early childhood, can  trigger asthma

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Lifestyle factors such as smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke, obesity, and stress can exacerbate asthma symptoms,

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There are different types of asthma, each with its symptoms and triggers. Allergic asthma is triggered by allergens such as pollen, dust mites, and pet dander

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Non-allergic asthma is induced by factors like cold air, exertion, and stress. Occupational asthma results from exposure to chemicals, dust, and fumes at work

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Exercise-induced asthma develops  during or after physical activity. Childhood asthma starts in childhood and is often associated with allergies

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Don't ignore symptoms like wheezing, persistent cough, difficulty breathing after physical activity, or frequent use of a quick-relief inhaler, particularly at night or early morning, it is important to seek medical help

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Seek medical help if you have problem breathing, your lips or face turn blue, the quick-relief inhaler does not work, you cannot speak because you are breathing hard, or you feel pain/pressure in your chest

Image: Canva