9 home remedies  for acidity, cure heartburn naturally

Moneycontrol News | July 15, 2024

Ginger: ginger can help soothe the  digestive tract. Chewing on a small  piece of ginger or drinking ginger tea  can reduce the signs of acidity

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Aloe vera juice: Drink half a cup of aloe vera juice before meals to prevent acidity. Aloe vera's cooling properties can reduce inflammation in the stomach lining

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Chamomile tea: Savour chamomile tea between meals. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can calm the stomach and reduce acidity

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Apple cider vinegar: Contrary to its acidic nature, apple cider vinegar can balance stomach pH levels. Mix one tablespoon in a glass of water and drink before meals

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Bananas: Rich in potassium, bananas  help neutralise stomach acid. Eat a banana daily to keep acidity at bay

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Mulethi: Licorice root is also known as Mulethi. DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) supplements or tea made from it can coat the stomach lining and reduce acid reflux

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Cold milk: Drink cold milk mixed with  water (1:3) and sip slowly to combat acidity. The cold milk neutralises stomach acid  due to its calcium content

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Saunf and mishri: Saunf aids  digestion with its volatile oils, while  mishri adds sweetness and may have a soothing effect on the stomach

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While these home remedies can provide relief from occasional acidity, chronic acidity could indicate underlying gastrointestinal conditions that require medical treatment

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