Global Hug Your Kids Day:  Benefits of hugging

Hugging has numerous physical, emotional, and social benefits

Hugging reduces stress and anxiety by releasing tension and relaxing the body.

Hugging releases oxytocin, a hormone that boosts happiness and decreases melancholy.

Regular hugging can reduce blood pressure and enhance cardiovascular health.

Hugging can assist in regulating sleep cycles and increase sleep quality.

Hugging can improve the immune system by lowering stress and raising oxytocin.

Hugging reduces fear and anxiety in children which might make them feel safe and comfortable.

Hugging increases emotions of love and connection by releasing oxytocin, which improves social relationships and affection.

Hugging is a natural method to express affection while also supporting physical and emotional health.

Hugging increases dopamine levels, which can aid in motivation and enjoyment.

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