8 dry fruits to avoid if you have diabetes

Raisins High in sugar content, raisins can cause a spike in blood sugar levels.

Dried Apricots These are often sweetened, increasing their sugar content significantly.  

Dates  Dates have a high glycaemic index, making them unsuitable for diabetes management.  

Dried Figs  Figs contain natural sugars that can quickly raise blood sugar levels.

Prunes Prunes are high in carbohydrates and sugars, which can affect blood sugar control.

Dried Mangoes  Often sweetened, dried mangoes have a high sugar content.  

Sweetened Cranberries Avoid cranberries that have added sugars, which can increase blood glucose.  

Dried Pineapples  These are typically sweetened, making them high in sugar and unsuitable for diabetics.

Monsoon Ready: Clothes to wear and avoid during the rains