From oatmeal to pineapple, 10 foods that help to ease bloating

Yoghurt Yoghurt contains lots of probiotics that support a healthy digestive process and calm inflammation. Probiotics can reduce bloating and abdominal swelling in those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Oatmeal This breakfast mainstay contains a large amount of fibre content, which helps to fight constipation. 

Oranges Oranges are a good source of fibre and water, which can help prevent water retention and promote regular bowel movements. The vitamin C helps to increase gut health. 

Bananas Also a good source of fibre, bananas contain potassium, which can help regulate sodium levels and prevent water retention.

Turmeric This spice contains curcumin, which can tame IBS symptoms, help ease discomfort, regulate the digestive system, and reduce bloating.

Pineapple Pineapple contains a natural enzyme called bromelain that aids digestion. Bromelain is so effective at softening up tough food, by the way, that it’s also used as a meat tenderizer.

Celery These green stalks contain a huge amount of water along with fibre. Almost 95 per cent of these vegetables are made up of water. This helps it to provide a laxative effect. 

Ginger The spice relaxes your intestines while also breaking down proteins with an enzyme called zingibain. Thus, people have been relying on ginger to resolve gastric distress for centuries.

Cucumber Like celery, cucumbers also contain a huge amount of water. It contains a whopping 96 per cent water. That helps to wash away digestive issues created by dehydration.

Kiwi These powerful fruits contain another enzyme, actinidin, that helps speed up digestion.  Just two kiwis are also an excellent source of bloat-beating potassium and fibre — all for just 90 calories.

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