Green Power: 10 reasons why spinach is such a superfood

Maintains vision  Spinach contains beta-carotene (Vitamin A). This nutrient is important for healthy eyesight and helps to prevent cataracts as well.

Maintains good heart health Spinach contains nitrates which help to improve blood flow and pressure by relaxing the blood vessels, reducing arterial stiffness and promoting dilation. 

Healthy bones Spinach contains Vitamin K, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. This helps maintain bone health.

Helps provide energy Spinach helps restore energy, increases vitality and improves the quality of blood too. Being super rich in Iron helps transport oxygen around the body.

Reduces risk of anaemia  Spinach contains good iron content that helps to prevent anaemia in the body. Incorporating fresh spinach juice into your diet might be a natural approach worth considering.

Boosts immunity Vitamin A content found in spinach is said to strengthen the entry points in the human body such as respiratory, intestinal tracts and mucus membranes.

Prevents acne Spinach contains anti-inflammatory properties that can ease the redness on your skin and reduce acne. It also helps to flush out dirt and extra oil from the pores. 

Reduces blood sugar Spinach, rich in antioxidants and fibre, plays a vital role in regulating blood sugar levels. Its high magnesium content helps enhance insulin sensitivity and aid glucose metabolism.

Prevents cancer Spinach has a high source of zeaxanthin and carotenoids that can flush out the free radicals from your body. Free radicals make the body prone to diseases like cancer.

Weight loss The high amount of fibre in spinach also helps in good digestion, regulates low blood sugar and prevents constipation. All these help in digestion which in turn helps to lose weight.