Step Up: 9 walking workouts to burn fat and boost energy

Power walking  Power walking involves walking at a faster pace, this is usually around 5 kilometres per hour. To maximise the effects, swing your arms vigorously and take longer strides.

Interval walking  Interval walking alternates between periods of high-intensity walking and low-intensity recovery. Alternating between fast-pace walk and moderate pace leads to more burning of calories. 

Hill walking Walking uphill or on an inclined treadmill increase the intensity of your workout, engaging more muscles and burning more calories. It strengthens your legs and glutes.

Walking with weights Adding weights to your walking routuine can boost caories burn and build muscle. You can use ankle weights, wrist weights or carry light dumbells.

Nordic walking  This involves using specially designed poles to engage your upper body while walking. This technique can burn your calories by up to 46 per cent.

Speed walking The process of walking as fast as possible is called speed walking. It's an effective way to elevate your heart rate. This can burn upto 30 per cent more calories. 

High knees walking  High knees is an effective way of losing weight. This exercise involves lifting your knees to waist height with each step. Engaging your core and leg muscles more intensely.

Walking lunges  Walking lunges is another way to turn your walk into a more intense workout. This exercise involves talking a step forward and lowering your body into a lunge position, now step forward with the other leg.

Super fat blast  Crank up the intensity with metabolism-revving bursts of high-impact activities. You’ll burn nearly 70 per cent more calories than if you walked at a steady pace.

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