Don't eat these 9  fruits on empty stomach for better digestion

Moneycontrol News | July 17, 2024

Watermelon: Its high water and fiber content can sometimes lead to bloating and discomfort for some. While hydrating, excessive consumption may overwhelm sensitive digestive systems

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Mango: Bursting with natural sugars and fibre, mangoes are a delight in the summer months. The combination of high fiber and natural sugars may lead to bloating and gastrointestinal discomfort

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Pineapple: They contain bromelain, an enzyme known for its digestive properties. However, in large amounts, bromelain can trigger digestive discomfort. It can cause irritation in the digestive tract

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Plums: Their their high fiber and sorbitol content can pose challenges for digestion. Sorbitol, a sugar alcohol, may ferment in the gut, leading to gas and bloating for some individuals

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Cherries: They contain sorbitol, a sugar alcohol known to cause gastrointestinal issues for some. Excessive consumption may lead to gas, bloating, and discomfort, particularly for those sensitive to sorbitol

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Apples: These are rich in fiber and fructose. However, these two can be difficult for some to digest. Overconsumption may result in bloating and gastrointestinal discomfort

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Pears: Like apples, pears have high  fibre and fructose content. However,  for people with sensitive digestive systems, excessive intake may lead to bloating and discomfort

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Papaya: Celebrated for its digestive enzyme papain, papayas can aid digestion for many. However, papain in large quantities can cause digestive discomfort in people with sensitive stomachs

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Figs: With their rich sweetness and chewy texture, figs are a summer indulgence. Despite their nutritional benefits, their high fibre content can have a laxative effect for some, leading to digestive discomfort

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Kiwi: A refreshing summer treat,  kiwi is high in fibre and the enzyme actinidin in it can sometimes trigger digestive issues, especially when consumed in large amounts

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