International Nelson Mandela Day: 9 life lessons from the anti-apartheid activist

Never abandon hope or give up "The struggle is my life. I will continue fighting for freedom until the end of my days.” Mandela had very clear objectives in that he was committed to ending apartheid and a terribly unjust society. He knew the road was difficult ahead but he did not give up.

Learn the art of compromise “You mustn’t compromise your principles, but you mustn’t humiliate the opposition. No one is more dangerous than one who is humiliated.” Mandela worked had in both politics and relationships and knew that negotiating was essential.

Violence is not the answer “We can’t win a war, but we can win an election.” Mandela had the intelligence not to let bitterness and resentment restrict him. He was later rewarded with the joint Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.

Don’t be put off by difficulties “It always seems impossible until it is done.” The quote reflects that although lives are marked by illness, tragedy, misfortune and pain, people should never get discouraged. The negative experiences teach you to remain faithful to your values and ethics.

Learn to forgive “If there are dreams of a beautiful South Africa, there are also roads that lead to that goal. Two of these roads could be named Goodness and Forgiveness.” 

How kind are you? “I believe that in the end that it is kindness and accommodation that are all the catalysts for real change.” Try a little kindness today.

Fight discrimination “I detest racialism because I regard it as a barbaric thing, whether it comes from a black man or a white man.” In addition to racism, in today's world  sexism, ageism, fat phobia, ableism, homophobia and classism are barriers to unity and equal human rights for all. 

Draw a line under your past “We don’t have to be victims of our past, that we can let go of our bitterness, and that all of us can achieve greatness.” He was intelligent enough to realize that closure was essential and the new path towards peace and reconciliation was the only way.

Bond by sharing experience “I dream of Africa which is at peace with itself.” On a personal level, try hugging eating together, taking part in a sport as these  experiences will help understanding, commonality and reinforce relationships.

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