5 PCOS Management Tips To Follow

Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Aparna Singh

The number of women suffering from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is on the rise. Here are some PCOS management tips that can be followed.

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Palm Tree

Good sleep

Make sure to get an adequate amount of sleep to manage PCOS.

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Palm Tree

Avoid stress

Learn various coping mechanisms to lower your stress levels as the stress hormones in your body rise and this can flare up your PCOS.

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Palm Tree

Eat well

Eat a healthy, nutritious, well-rounded diet, limit your sugar intake, and eat less processed foods and trans-fat.

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Palm Tree

Exercise regularly

It is crucial to exercise regularly if you are dealing with PCOS. Exercise is really helpful to target the issues that come with PCOS.

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Palm Tree

Chill and relax

Learn to relax and let of things in life. Use your illness to your advantage to switch to a healthier lifestyle and become a healthier you.