Mother's diet during pregnancy: Here's what to eat

Moneycontrol News | July 23, 2024

Folic acid: It is extremely important during early pregnancy for the baby's health. Its prevents neural tube defects, such as spina bifida and establishes it as a vital nutrient during the prenatal phase

Image: Canva

Studies suggest consuming at least 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid daily during the childbearing years is essential to reduce the risk of such birth defects

Image: Canva

Iron: It help produce hemoglobin.  Pregnant women need about 27 mg of  iron daily to support the increased blood volume necessary for both the mother  and the developing baby

Image: Canva

Calcium: It helps for the baby's bones and teeth. Pregnant women aged 19 and older need around 1,000 mg calcium to ensure optimal bone development for the baby

Image: Canva

In cases where women are 18 and younger, they should aim for 1,300 milligrams (mg) of calcium daily

Image: Canva

Vitamin D: Vitamin D, along with calcium, helps development of bones in the baby. Daily dose of vitamin D supports bone health and also has other health benefits for both mother and child

Image: Canva

Omega-3 fatty acids: These are essential for the baby's brain health. Consuming a variety of fish high in omega-3 fatty acids can provide vital support for the baby's cognitive and visual development

Image: Canva

Iodine: Adequate intake of iodine is vital for the baby's brain growth and neurological function. It can be found in various sources such as iodised salt, seafood, dairy products, and some fortified foods

Image: Canva

Vitamin C: Serving as an ally to the immune system, vitamin C helps absorb iron. Pregnant women need around 85 mg  of vitamin C daily, as it aids in both immune health and iron absorption

Image: Canva

Protein: It is critical for the baby's steady growth and development. Pregnant women need to increase their daily protein intake to support the baby's development and ensure adequate maternal health

Image: Canva