Want to avoid jet lag? Here are 8 hacks that flyers should remember

Shift your bedtime before you fly  If you are travelling it is advisable to shift your bedtime by 30 minutes. This will programme your body and mind.

Avoid alcohol and coffee Avoid consuming alcoholic and caffeine beverages on board. Drink water before, during and after your flight to avoid dryness. Avoid cola and soda drinks as well.

Eat right It is advisable to eat heavily a few days ahead of the travel while fasting on the flight day. Carbohydrate rich food can make you feel heavy. 

Keep moving While travelling on long flights, do some exercise to boost your endorphins. Get up to walk around periodically, stretch and do some static exercises during the flight as it will make you feel energised.

Be careful with sleeping pills Several people like to consume sleeping pills to ensure maximum rest during the flight. But that strategy can backfire. So be careful while consuming these pills. 

Expose yourself to light Jet lag interrupts your internal clock in part because your exposure to light changes when you travel. Exposing yourself to morning light will help if you need to wake up and function earlier when you travel east.

Keep your sleeping space comfortable Check the temperature of your room to make sure that it is comfortable and cool. Also, ensure that your phones and other screens are switched off. 

Use medications Try medication after consulting your doctor to help you sleep. It is important to keep in mind that these have side effects.

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