7 right ways to store cooking oils

Store oils at the right temperature Experts state that the correct temperature to store cooking oils is 65 degrees Celsius.  Oils should not be stored in hot places as this reduces their shelf life. 

Keep checking the expiry date  It is important to keep an eye on the expiry date of the product as oil degrades over time. The quality and length of time it has been in your pantry should be monitored constantly.

Store in airtight containers Due to its high fat content, cooking oils start deteriorating as soon as you open the bottle due to oxidation.  It is best to store oils in airtight containers to avoid contact with oxygen.

Keep away from light Light accelerates fatty acid oxidation. This can lead to a loss of antioxidants in polyunsaturated oils. Thus, oils should be stored in dark places.

Opt for oils packed in glass bottles Food stores typically sell cooking oils in plastic bottles. It is not advisable to store them in plastic bottles due to the risk of leakage.

Keep away from heat Some oils like almond and truffle need to be stored in refrigerators. Oils that are heat sensitive can go rancid if not stored in a cool place. It is important to keep such oils away from heat.

Buy only as much as you can use Avoid stocking up on oils in your pantry. This will ensure that the oil does not go stale or past its expiry date. Use unopened oil bottles within one to two months while opened ones should be consumed in six months.

Save your food from getting spoiled this monsoon with these tips