5 Ways To Increase Lung Capacity

Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Aparna Singh

Lung capacity refers to the total volume of air that the lungs can hold, with total lung capacity being the maximum amount of air the lungs can hold at the end of inspiration. Here are some ways to increase lung capacity.

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Diaphragmatic breathing or deep breathing exercises

This exercise can help people use a larger portion of their lung capacity, enhancing oxygen intake and carbon dioxide expulsion.

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Pursed lip breathing

It involves breathing in deeply through the nose in a slow and controlled manner, pursing the lips, and breathing out through the pursed lips.

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Aerobic exercises

These exercises engage large muscle groups, and are particularly effective as they strengthen the diaphragm, the main muscle of respiration, and the intercostal muscles, which are essential for breathing.

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Interval training

This type of training involves alternating between short periods of more rigorous and less strenuous exercise. You can run for a minute or two then walk slowly for two minutes, and repeat.

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Stop smoking

This type of training involves alternating between short periods of more rigorous and less strenuous exercise. You can run for a minute or two then walk slowly for two minutes, and repeat.