Sawan 2024 fasting: Include these protein-rich food in your diet

Moneycontrol News | July 26, 2024

Certain protein-rich foods can help maintain a balanced diet during this period, ensuring you stay healthy and nourished while observing your fast or following a sattvic diet.

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Whether fasting or feasting, the Sattvic diet, which includes high-protein alternatives, can meet your nutritional needs and support a healthy lifestyle throughout the Shravan month

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Dal: Moong dal is a high-protein ingredient favoured by Ayurveda. It contains 24gm of protein per 100gm. It has appetiser and digestive properties

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Paneer: Paneer, or cottage cheese, is a significant source of protein, with about 18gm per 100gm. It is a versatile ingredient that can be used in many Indian recipes

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Sabudana: It is a popular food to eat during Shravan. It is a staple in many fasting diets due to its light, easily digestible nature and high energy content

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Sprouts: Sprouted legumes like chana and moong are excellent sources of protein, with 24–34 gm per 100 gm. Sprouts are also an excellent source

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Nuts: Almonds, walnuts and Brazil nuts are a fantastic source of protein, good fats and essential nutrients. A mix of different nuts can make a protein-rich snack

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Soya: Soya is perfect for the Shravan month. It is versatile and can be used in various dishes, like soya curries and stir-fried soya chunks

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Chana: Chickpeas, or chana, are an excellent source of protein. Rich in fibre and essential nutrients, chickpeas not only support your protein needs but also contribute to your health and satiety

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