July 30, 2024


10 Accidental Inventions That Shocked the World


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Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin by accident when he noticed that mold on a petri dish killed nearby bacteria.

Microwave Oven

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Percy Spencer invented the microwave oven after he observed a chocolate bar melting in his pocket while working with radar technology.


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Georges de Mestral got the idea for Velcro from the way burrs stuck to his dog's fur, leading to the creation of the hook-and-loop fastener.


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Roy Plunkett accidentally created Teflon, a non-stick, heat-resistant material, while trying to develop a new refrigerant.


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Wilhelm Röntgen discovered X-rays when he noticed a screen glowing while experimenting with cathode rays, leading to a groundbreaking tool in medicine and science.

Vulcanized Rubber

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Charles Goodyear accidentally invented vulcanized rubber, a durable material used in tires and other products, when he dropped a rubber compound on a hot stove.

Safety Glass

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Edouard Benedictus invented safety glass after a glass flask coated with cellulose nitrate didn't shatter when dropped.


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John Pemberton originally invented Coca-Cola as a headache remedy, but it became a popular sweet, carbonated drink.

Post-it Notes

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Arthur Fry created Post-it Notes after getting frustrated with bookmarks falling out of his hymnbook, inspired by a weak adhesive developed by a colleague at 3M.

Potato Chips

Image: Canva

Chef George Crum accidentally invented potato chips when he served thin, crispy fries to a customer who had complained about thick-cut fries.