10 exercises to help manage rheumatoid arthritis

Gentle yoga improves flexibility and reduces pain, promoting relaxation and mobility without stressing the joints.

Gentle yoga

Swimming provides low-impact resistance training, easing joint stiffness and enhancing cardiovascular health without strain.


Tai Chi combines slow, deliberate movements with deep breathing, enhancing balance, flexibility, and reducing arthritis symptoms.

Tai Chi

Performing daily range-of-motion exercises helps maintain joint flexibility and reduces pain and stiffness in rheumatoid arthritis.

Range-of-motion exercises

Low-impact aerobic exercises, such as walking or cycling, improve cardiovascular health and reduce inflammation in arthritis.

Aerobic exercise

Strength training with light weights or resistance bands strengthens muscles around the joints, reducing arthritis pain and improving function.

Strength training

Regular stretching exercises enhance joint flexibility, reduce muscle tension, and improve the overall range of motion for arthritis sufferers.


Water aerobics provides a buoyant environment, reducing joint pressure while improving strength, flexibility, and endurance in rheumatoid arthritis.

Water aerobics

Pilates focuses on core strength, flexibility, and posture, helping to support joints and alleviate rheumatoid arthritis pain.


Low-impact aerobic dancing boosts cardiovascular health and flexibility while reducing stress and enhancing joint mobility in arthritis.

Aerobic dancing

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