July 30, 2024


UPSC Preparation Myths Busted: 10 Insider Secrets

Intense Competition

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The sheer number of aspirants makes success highly unlikely.

Time Consumption

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The vast syllabus demands immense time investment, often at the expense of personal life.

Financial Burden

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Coaching fees and lost earning potential can create significant financial strain.

Uncertain Future

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Multiple attempts and age limits add to the pressure.

Commercialised Coaching

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Many coaching institutes prioritise profit over quality.

Lack of Support

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Family pressure and societal stigma can hinder progress.

Job Reality

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The actual job might differ from the idealised image.

Personal Sacrifices

Image: Canva

Delayed marriage, strained relationships, and career delays are common.

Psychological Impact

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Fear of failure and loss of identity can affect mental health.