Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Sujata Singh

5 Ways To Add Sunflower Seeds To Snacks

Sunflower seeds are the powerhouse of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E, vitamin B1, magnesium, and copper. Here are some ways to add sunflower seeds to snacks.

Homemade Energy Bars

Combine oats, sunflower seeds, dry fruits and nuts, and a little bit of honey. Then shaped bars after cooling them down.

Shakes And Smoothies

 Prepare a powder of sunflower seeds and add it to your smoothie. You can add these seeds either crushed or just add them raw by garnishing them on the top of the drink.

Breads And Cakes

You can either add these seeds to the batter or sprinkle some on top before sliding the dish into the oven.

Salads And Pasta

You can sprinkle sunflower seeds over a bowl of salad or pasta.

 Sunflower Butter

You can sprinkle sunflower seeds over a bowl of salad or pasta.