12 health benefits of onions: Prevent kidney stones, even cataract

Moneycontrol News | July 31, 2024

Cardiovascular and vascular health: Long-term consumption of onions helps prevent vascular and heart diseases by reducing blood pressure, lowering cholesterol levels, and improving the heart function

Image: Canva

Neurodegenerative disorders: Onions have a preventive effect on neurodegenerative disorders due to their antioxidant properties, which help protect brain cells from oxidative stress

Image: Canva

Cataract formation: Onions help prevent cataract formation by reducing oxidative damage to the eye's lens. Regular consumption can contribute to better eye health and delay the onset of cataracts

Image: Canva

Kidney function: Onions improve  kidney function by helping to lower  blood pressure and reduce the risk  of kidney stones

Image: Canva

Onions are rich in potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure by balancing sodium levels in the body

Image: Canva

Women’s health: Onions help reduce menstrual cramps and discomfort associated with dysmenorrhea. The anti-inflammatory properties of onions may help  reduce menstrual cramps

Image: Canva

Drinking onion tea or including raw onions into your diet can provide relief from discomfort and help regulate irregular menstrual cycles

Image: Canva

Common illnesses: Onions help treat vertigo, fainting, and migraines due to their ability to improve blood circulation. Apply a paste of crushed onions to the forehead or temples for relief from migraine pain

Image: Canva

Wound care: Onions promote the healing of wounds, scars, and keloids. Applying onion extract or juice directly to minor cuts and wounds can prevent infection and speed up the healing process

Image: Canva

Insect stings: Onions reduce pain  and swelling caused by bee or wasp stings. Place a freshly cut slice of  onion directly on the sting to reduce  pain and swelling quickly

Image: Canva

Hair care: Applying onion juice to the scalp promotes hair growth, reduce dandruff, and strengthen hair follicles. Vitamin C in it boosts collagen production and support blood circulation to the hair follicles

Image: Canva

Jaundice and pimples: Onion juice helps detoxify the liver and aid in the treatment of jaundice. For pimples, apply a mixture of onion juice and honey to the affected area. It helps reduce inflammation

Image: Canva