12 reasons why you shouldn't drink water right after exercising

Moneycontrol News | August 2, 2024

Risk of stomach upset: Another reason  to pause before drinking water post-exercise is to avoid stomach upset. Intense workouts often lead to a significant loss of fluids through sweat

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Drinking water too quickly can  overwhelm the stomach, especially if  your body is still in a heightened state  of activity. This can result in discomfort, bloating, or even nausea

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Allowing your body some time to transition from exercise to rest can help prevent these issues

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Electrolyte imbalance: Exercise causes the body to lose not just water but also electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and magnesium. These are crucial for muscle function, nerve signalling, fluid balance

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Drinking plain water immediately after a workout can exacerbate an electrolyte imbalance by further diluting the body's electrolyte levels

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This can lead to symptoms such as  muscle cramps, dizziness, and fatigue

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Instead, consider consuming a balanced electrolyte solution or a sports drink designed to replenish these vital nutrients

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Blood pressure considerations: The body's cardiovascular system undergoes significant changes during and after exercise. Your heart rate and BP naturally rise during physical activity

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Drinking water immediately  post-workout can affect blood volume  and pressure, potentially leading to  light-headedness or dizziness, especially  if you stand up too quickly

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This is because water intake can cause  a rapid decrease in blood pressure, compounding the effects of exercise-induced changes

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Wait for your body to stabilise before drinking to mitigate these risks

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