5 Largest Lakes Around The World

Despite its name, the Caspian Sea is actually the world's largest saltwater lake, not a sea.

Caspian Sea

It has a surface area of 371,000 square kilometres and a coastline of 7,000 kilometres.

It is the world’s largest and second-largest freshwater lake in terms of surface area.

Lake Superior

Its maximum depth is 406 meters.

It is Africa’s largest lake and the third-largest freshwater lake in terms of surface area.

Lake Victoria

The lake covers 59,946 sq km, has a 7,142-kilometer shoreline, and a maximum depth of 81 meters.

It is the only Great Lake wholly located within the United States.

Lake Michigan

It has a surface size of 58,030 square kilometres and a shoreline length of 2,300 km.

The lake is located in southern Siberia, Russia, and covers 31,722 square kilometres.

Lake Baikal

It is considered the world’s oldest lake.