Keep your lungs healthy with these 8 beverages

Lemon-ginger-peppermint tea This is considered one of the most natural cleansers that helps in detoxing the body. The lemon in the tea will freshen up your mind, ginger will give you energy and peppermint will relax your throat.

Honey and warm water This beverage is effective for your lungs to fight pollutants. This is because honey has anti-inflammatory properties while warm water helps to detoxify the body.

Turmeric-ginger drink  Turmeric contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticancer and anti-toxicity properties which help to remove harmful toxins from the body while protecting the organs from further damage. Further, ginger also helps to heal nausea which is caused by too much smoke.

Green tea  This is packed with antioxidants that may help to reduce inflammation in the lungs. Have a cup of green tea everyday with a dash of ginger, lemon or honey.

Mulethi root tea Also known as liquorice root tea, this may not be in trend but can be considered a staple for reducing cough, congestion and fever. It is also known that regularly consuming this detox drink helps to reduce the risk of heart diseases and cleanse your lungs.

​Apple, carrot and beetroot smoothie​ Rich in fibre and vitamin C, this smoothie helps fight air pollution damage and prevent asthma. It also cleanses the respiratory system and makes the lungs healthy.

Pineapple juice Pineapple contains bromelain. This enzyme helps to reduce mucus and inflammation in the respiratory tract.

Garlic-infused water Garlic has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that may support respiratory health. Consuming this with warm water will help to keep your lungs clean.

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