10 reasons why you should eat almonds on empty stomach daily

Moneycontrol News | August 5, 2024

Improves digestion:  Almonds are high in dietary fibre, which promotes healthy digestion. Their fibre content helps maintain regularity and supports a healthy gut microbiome

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Boosts metabolism:  Consuming almonds in the morning can help elevate your metabolic rate, aiding in more efficient calorie burning and energy production throughout the day

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Enhanced nutrient absorption:  Eating almonds on an empty stomach maximises nutrient uptake. Their healthy fats and protein facilitate better absorption of essential vitamins and minerals

Image: Canva

Regulates blood sugar:  Almonds have a low glycemic index,  which means they have minimal impact  on blood sugar levels. This property helps in stabilising blood glucose levels

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Keeps heart healthy: Almonds are rich in monounsaturated fats. This improves heart health, reduces the risk of arterial plaque buildup, and lowers the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases

Image: Canva

Helps in weight management:  With their high protein and fibre content, almonds help reduce hunger. This leads to reduced overall calorie intake, making them effective for managing weight

Image: Canva

Enhances cognitive function: Vitamin E and antioxidants in them protect brain neurons from oxidative stress. Regular consumption enhance cognitive functions, including memory and focus

Image: Canva

Improves skin health:  The antioxidants and vitamins in almonds help combat oxidative damage and inflammation. This reduces signs of ageing and promoting a clearer complexion

Image: Canva

Strengthens immune system:  They are rich in vitamin E and zinc. These nutrients help the body fend off infections, support immune cell activity, and maintain overall immune system health

Image: Canva

Keeps body hydrated: Almonds contain a significant amount of water relative to their dry weight, contributing to hydration. Consuming them helps maintain fluid balance in the body

Image: Canva