Weight loss diet plan: Burn belly fat with these 5 Indian masalas

Moneycontrol News | August 5, 2024

Belly fat, caused by sedentary lifestyle, junk food, and stress poses considerable health risks. It is therefore important to handle belly fat to maintain good health

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Visceral fat, otherwise known as belly fat, is your worst enemy. Having more visceral fat means you are exposing yourself to Type 2 diabetes, heart diseases, and  some types of cancers

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This fat surrounds your vital  organs, releasing inflammatory substances that might affect the metabolic processes of the body, and result in a number of health problems

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Managing belly fat is considered  important to reduce serious health risks. Here are 5 Indian spices that help you  get rid of tummy fat

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Cinnamon:  This spice helps maintain sugar levels and reduces insulin resistance. Since high insulin levels can promote storage of fat around the abdomen, cinnamon plays a key role in balancing blood sugar

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Cumin:  Cumin helps improve digestion, increases metabolism, helps the body burn off unnecessary calories, and helps get rid of excessive fat in the abdominal area

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Fennel seeds:  Fennel seeds help reduce bloating and indigestion. By dealing with indigestion and keeping gut healthy, fennel indirectly supports the reduction of belly fat

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Ginger:  Ginger boosts digestion, lowers appetite, and enhances calorie. It also help trim that belly fat by increasing thermogenesis, which helps burn fat better in the body

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Turmeric:  Curcumin in turmeric can suppress the adipocyte proliferation rate and increase insulin sensitivity. It also helps increase metabolic rate, aid in weight management

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