Walk on: 9 types of walking to improve your health

Brisk walking  This walking technique involves taking at least 100 steps per minute.  You can take the help of a fitness tracker which will also tell you your heart rate.

Stroll walking Something as monotonous as your daily stroll can also benefit your health. It helps to improve bone and muscle health and weight control.

Chi walking  This is a form of meditation where walking acts as a physical activity to calm your mind. It helps you become aware of your surroundings as well as your body and thoughts.

Nordic walking Nordic walking is great for people with joint problems or those recovering from injuries. It helps to lower blood pressure naturally and the risk of heart diseases.

Race walking  This type of walking requires race walkers to always maintain contact with the ground at all times. It is a challenging and demanding sport that tests both speed and endurance.

Power walking  This is an elevated form of walking that involves walking at a faster pace than usual. It engages more muscles compared to regular walking, elevates your heart rate and boosts calorie burn.

Reverse or backward walking Reverse walking offers unique benefits beyond those of forward walking. It engages different muscle groups including those in the lower back and hamstrings. 

Interval walking This involves alternating between periods of high-intensity and low-intensity recovery periods. It helps to boost metabolism and burn more calories.

Inclined walking  Inclined walking is an effective way to boost the intensity of your workout and engage multiple muscle groups.

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